Monday, December 22, 2008

And how exactly do you sign the cards....

WNTNTB will be on hiatus until the new year. New names will be stacked in the arsenal and ready to kick off 2009. Until then here are some of my favorite recent "weird name" articles.

Swedish couple fights to name their baby Metallica,2933,263700,00.html

Judge makes child a ward of the court to change her name from Talula Does the Hula From Hawaii

The real Dow and Indiana Jones

And then... the child with 25 middle names


malika the m.i.l.f. said...

oh, these were awesome. i agree that people shouldn't name their kids fucked up names but sometimes a messed up name can be a subjective thing. while i agree that sometimes someone needs to take the wheel in terms of what you can name your child, in the end i'm glad we live in a society where we don't have to get permission on what is and isn't an acceptable name. i wanted to name my son stokely after stokely carmichael and i know that a lot of people didn't like that. and the little girl with 25 names? her first name was autumn and her last name was brown. i was going to name my son autumn when i thought he was going to be a girl. and his last name is brown. but deen told me that there is no way in hell that he would have named his child autumn brown. bastard.

Kingsmomma said...

lol this remindes me of tikki tikki timbo no sa rimbo chery cherry rucci pit perry pimbo