Thursday, April 15, 2010

Worst Celeb Baby Names

Came across the short funny video about some of the worst celebrity baby names from last year:

More celeb baby names (and there are a few doozies in there that I can be found by clicking here .

Monday, April 12, 2010

I Can't Take You Seriously When Your Name Makes Me Hungry

Dang it Steve Harvey... (gonna try and see if I can get audio for this, but probably not until tomorrow).

Heard on the radio this morning via the Steve Harvey morning show:

A girl calls in to comment on a regular segment they have called "Strawberry Letter"

Steve: What's your name?
Girl: Cinnamon.
[the hosts start laughing...and they can tell the jokes are coming]
Steve: Is that your real name?
Girl: Yes.
Steve: Where're you from. You from the country ain't you?
[the girl laughs and confirms she's from somewhere in Kentucky. The other hosts are trying not to laugh and the girl says something to the effect of "I've heard all the jokes" and not to mention she is a psychiatrist]
Steve: That had to be a country name. Ain't no city folks 'fin to name their kid Cinnamon. He 'gon rise to the top let's name hom Baking Powder. She's so sweet, let's name her Condensed Milk.

[at which point I started laughing so hard I nearly spit my coffee out]

Smh. And I thought about this... (catch the reference at 2:26. ROTFL)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

We Put the Fan in Fanatic!

A couple from Alabama who happen to be huge Alabama football fans, took their fanaticism to the next level by naming their son:

Crimson Tide Redd

Oh how I wish this was an April Fool's prank, but you can read the full article here

Roll Tide! *Face palm*